Last year was a tough year! I raced through back and glut injuries (yep, my butt hurt...bad). These injuries affected all aspects of riding. Strong core and good posture are critical to a good riding position which helps prevent injuries, take my word for it! With the help of rest and professional rehab, my back is back. Winter training kept me moving. As much as I despise riding a trainer...the devil personally invented my bike trainer...I had a job to do...pedal, even in the cold and rain...channeling my best Dory...just keep pedaling! Thank you everyone that helped me through this tough time...late night back rubs from my husband, strength training with Ginger Sillery, massage therapy with Virginia Lee at ReVive Massage and PT from my buddies at Results Physiotherapy.
As the year turned, I listened to my wasn't ready for The Snake. Took a pass to live to fight another day...The Snake will be there next year, all 34 miles of it. I really want a buckle! January and February came to pass, Craig kept asking...Are you racing this year? Finally the timing was right...BATTLE FOR PAYNE'S CREEK, one of my favorites. Time to return to racing! The weekend drew near, the nervousness and anticipation was fluttering through my body. Luckily, I had recruited a wonderful travel partner, Bridget Moore. She is an experienced triathlete but new to mountain biking. Curiosity killed the cat, but it brought Bridget to the mountain bike race scene, and I was thankful. Craig couldn't make the trip, he was managing the games and weekend activities. The balancing act active parents of active children must perform.
To my surprise, I was selected for a race day sponsorship by TORQ Nutrition. Race day nutrition is something planned and set in stone...than set in stone again...than bronzed. NO CHANGES on race day, but I figured, new year, new plan...what the heck...I will try it and I LOVED IT!
2017 is my 4th race season...hard to believe how far I have come from buying a 50 lb Diamondback with Craig at Dick's Sporting Goods on Black Friday in 2010. Sure, I will give mountain biking a try...what could it hurt.
Payne's Creek is a fun and fast course. Friday morning, as I started to get ready for the race, I knew I just needed to get through a half day of work, rush home from the clinic, pack my truck, pick up my travel partner and sit in Atlanta traffic...traffic sucks! In that chaos, I realized I forgotten an absolute necessity of racing...yes, I remembered my bike...three pregnancies didn't take that many brain cells, but I had left my pearls behind! How is a girl to go on!?!? As well as my sunglasses and folding chairs, but I had a saddle and eyelashes...I needed pearls! God puts people in our lives at just the right moments, Bridget was my angel. She had me covered with pearls and sunglasses.
To break up the trip, we crashed at my parent's house in Athens. Enjoyed some great Thai food, toured the old college stumping grounds and scored two chairs from Jerry NeSmith's garage stockpile...thank you, Dad and Mom!
Race day morning, I tried to stay luck! I LOVE racing and today was my Christmas! Bridget and I left on time..I might have pushed us out the door. The drive to Hartwell was uneventful. We arrived, grabbed my race number, popped up the tent...Oh, how great it was to return to dreaming of past races and seeing old announcement awoke me from the moment...RACERS MEETING!. WHAT, WAIT, WHAT...I did not even have the bike off the rack! Yes, yes, yes...I cannot elbow anyone in the face...I get it, but I need my bike! Heart rate was a gillion...sprinted to the car, put the number plate on...who needs warm up time! Off to the start line, it was time to DO THIS!

With the Red Hot Chili Peppers whispering in my ear, I calmed my mind and got ready to ride. READY, SET, GO...We were off! I had no idea if anyone else was in my class, it didn't matter, I was racing and I felt good...really good! My goal: beat my previous times, competitors didn't matter, this race was for me. I focused on my cadence, found myself on the wheel of some great riders that kept me motivated to move, and pedaled! At the 30 min mark, I reached for my TORQ gel, opened it...fuel was on the way...while it was until I dropped it! Well, crap! No time to cry over slipped milk or dropped gels. Keep pedaling! The first lap was in the books. I had beat my best lap time by 6 minutes!!! Feeling strong, I exchanged my TORQ hydration bottle. Made certain I had a firm grip on a new gel pack. Took off for another lap. The next two laps past like a dream. I listened to the hub buzz on my Bontrager XXX wheels, an early 2017 upgrade to the Trek Top Fuel 9.8.5 "Top Dawg". The guys at Scott's Bikes cannot go unmentioned, they keep my beast eating trails and shredding corners. The Top Fuel soaked up all the bumps and roots Payne's Creek could throw at us. She is a racing machine and I was overjoyed to be back on her saddle!

Three hours, only three hours! Finishing my 3rd lap, I wanted time for a 4th lap, guess I need to train harder! It was great to be back racing! My nutrition was spot on, even with the lost gel. I met my goal! Every lap was faster than my personal record from 2 years ago. The winter rehab and training was paying dividends. The race brought me back! Thank you Bridget for the physical and mental support, it was priceless!!!! I will repay the favor anytime!
Second in my class and 3rd overall female...not too bad for a chick who raced last year with a broke ass. Much respect for the Florida girls that finished ahead of me! Great things are coming in 2017, I plan to race at least 2 other Chainbuster Races, along with local staples. My children's race season starts next weekend, as always, it is a balancing act between family life, professional life and race life. I look forward to seeing new face and old friends on the start line this year! I might even get Craig to sign up for a race...might!
Next race is the Velo Vixen's Night Shift 3/6 Hour Race at Booker T. Washington State Park on April 8. I am teaming up with Christine Warren to tackle 6 hours of night racing.
Mountain Biking Mom