Better late than ever...I am behind in writing this blog post but a mom's priorities are consistently changing.
It was that time of the year again, time to pull on my big girl panties, the nice ones, of course, not those tan ones that go up to your bellybutton. Once a year, I race at night. If you know me, you would know my kids check on me at 9:30 pm each night to see if I have turned into a pumpkin. It is a running joke within my family, get home before Mom turns. I am not a night time person. I never liked night shift at the hospital. All romantic evenings with Craig, end around 9:15, if things are going good..10. So, riding from 6 pm to midnight is not exactly in my thing.
My very first mountain bike race, was SORBA Chattanooga's Pick Our Poison race at Booker T. Washington State Park in 2013...I was a nervous wreck! The Pick Your Poison race has since faded into the undergrowth, hopefully to reemerge one day. To keep a race at Booker T. Washington State Park, the Velo Vixen Night Shift Race was relocated. This is another Chattanooga classic race which was once run by SORBA. Now it is run by the Vixens; a women's only multi-sport club that is dear to me. Booker T. is a perfect location with many affections; lake access, camping (special for this event), running water restrooms and fire pits. Great place to have a good time. After a couple of turns at Enterprise South Nature Park, a change of scenery was welcomed.
My very first mountain bike race, was SORBA Chattanooga's Pick Our Poison race at Booker T. Washington State Park in 2013...I was a nervous wreck! The Pick Your Poison race has since faded into the undergrowth, hopefully to reemerge one day. To keep a race at Booker T. Washington State Park, the Velo Vixen Night Shift Race was relocated. This is another Chattanooga classic race which was once run by SORBA. Now it is run by the Vixens; a women's only multi-sport club that is dear to me. Booker T. is a perfect location with many affections; lake access, camping (special for this event), running water restrooms and fire pits. Great place to have a good time. After a couple of turns at Enterprise South Nature Park, a change of scenery was welcomed.

My follow Scott's Bicycle Centre Race Team mate, Beth Lofgen, had an undesirable obligation (aka...a job) which prevented her from joining me this year. I set out to find another strong woman, who would be willing to ride into the wee hours of the night. I knew who to ask, Christine Yario Warren. It took a couple times but she finally gave in. I think she agreed in order to shut me up. Christine is FAST!!! She beat me at 2016 Snake by 15 minutes! Go back and read the February 2016 blogs about The Snake, you will see her beastliness mentioned. Now, armed with a bad-ass partner, it was time to race!
The day started with some great family time during the TYMBR (TN Youth Mountain Bike Race) event. All three of my kids decided to race. I didn't think the girls were going to commit. After days of "maybe," they finally said yes (maybe they were tired of me asking too). Nerves were high! Brady had some make up to do. He had not been training as he should, and his race times were showing it. Wrestling season had taken a toll, and he wanted a break (a well earned and deserved break). Athleticism only goes so far and he was learning it. Before this race, he spent time at Booker T doing hill repeats on the dreaded Ivy Hill. He figured out how to clear the roots on the climb which made me incredibly proud. He set a race plan: pass on the hill...on foot or in the pedals, pass! At the start of Brady's race, he was fourth into the woods...not good at Booker. Tight, old school, trail with more roots than dirt doesn't offer many opportunities to pass. I hoped he would stick to his plan. The race course took him out of our sight for a while. Inside, I was worried about him. But, there was a sweeper and a couple course marshals...HE WILL BE OKAY, HE WILL BE OKAY. I was on the course with Haley when the first racer emerged from the tree line. Craig was there cheering on all the racers. (He could be heard over the crowd, let's just call him loud.) Brady was not in front, but he was close. He finished a strong second. His race plan had paid off. He was in 4th place at the base of Ivy Hill, he passed two racers on the climb and held his position. He is starting to race with his head and his body, not just pure muscle power.
Haley, too, fights for each foot of trail. At a whopping 50 lbs, her bike weighs close to 50% of her body weight. Just has the biking industry is attempting to address the lack of women's specific bikes, it too needs to take notice of weight of youth bikes. For what Haley lacks in size and power, she makes up for in determination and fire! Never has a crash, race distance or finishing placement influenced her during a race. This race was no different; except, she was racing with her BEST FRIEND FOREVER EVER. The two of them are cut from the same fabric. They stayed together throughout the race and shared post race woes. Friendships forged within challenging times, are forged forever...or in their case forever ever.
I drew the short straw, first lap was in my hands which included the parade lap area...up the hill, around the tree and though the mud to the trailhead, we went! At least this meant I had one good lap without lights. My strategy was to go out fast and stay up front. We had some TOUGH competition. The other women's duo was a petite and powerful combination of bad-ass mountain biking ladies.
I wiggled my way to the front of the mass start line up. I wanted to have a much room as possible in front of me. Going into the woods I had a good lead. My heart was pounding, I began to think that maybe I had pushed it too hard on that initial hill. I was still in control of my breathing, worked on bringing my heart rate down. I started to feel better after a few hundred yards of single track. Then disaster struck! In a smooth, simple turn I was suddenly on the ground!! WHAT THE.....! Not only was I on the ground, but I had another racer and his bike were laying on top of me!..WTH! Quick systems check, everything was working. The other team went flying by...dang it! He must have scrubbed me..rubbing is racin', we all know that; however, crashing early in a race takes the wind out of the sails. I had lost our advantage, so I pulled myself back into the race! As I continued on that rooty tight trail, I realized that something wasn't just right. Fellow racers...Um, either your wheel's through axle is about to fall out or your wheel is a taco salad. I replied, commonly, "thank you, just crashed." In my head I was screaming, "dammit, I did not look a the back wheel!"
Finishing that lap was not easy! Had to slow down, attempted to manage the roots and bumps while minimizing the damage. I crossed the start/finish line and got off.... holy, mother of all things wavy!..that wheel had move curves than me. Thank goodness for Erik Hunt with Owens Cyclery and Mike Skiles with Suck Creek Bicycles for the neutral pit support. A few kicks and unpleasant sounding hits to my wheel and it was in relative working order...relatively! Plan "B" was not share program with my team mate...thank goodness!
Remember I convinced Craig to race? Well he had a great race! Counterclockwise at Booker is not his favorite direction, but he finishing 1st in his class. We don't have many opportunities to race together. I could not be more proud of him. I think he enjoyed it more than he would admit. If it wasn't for the cramping, he might have enjoyed it more.
Thank you to SORBA Chattanooga for helping prepare the trails. Booker is old school, it tests bike handling skills, especially at night. Big thanks to the Velo Vixens, volunteers and fellow racers for a great race...even the guy that landed on me. I look forward to next years race.
With new XXX race wheels from the guys at Scott's Bikes and Trek, I competed at the 3/6 hour Fort Yargo race this past weekend. Be on the look out for that blog post...soon, I hope!
Ladies, always check your back wheel. No one wants to see your taco salad!
Mountain Biking Mom
With new XXX race wheels from the guys at Scott's Bikes and Trek, I competed at the 3/6 hour Fort Yargo race this past weekend. Be on the look out for that blog post...soon, I hope!
Ladies, always check your back wheel. No one wants to see your taco salad!
Mountain Biking Mom