Sunday, February 21, 2016

The February Snake Finale

It would not be "The Snake" if both races had spectacular weather. Even though it was below freezing with 10+ mile per hour winds, I was actually excited to ride. I felt prepared. My one training ride on the course a few weeks ago, taught me a lot. My clothing choices (which is huge in this type of weather) and my legs were feeling good. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits as we shuttled to the starting line. Laughter is the best medicine! We were reassuring each other that we were not crazy, just true mountain bikers (well...maybe we were crazy mountain bikers, but at least we were all going insane together).

I knew I had to dress just right. I did not want to have to stop and strip mid-ride, that would just be a precious waste of time. I had picked out a great merino wool base layer, my Bontrager women's hooded soft-shell jacket and my Bontrager women's convertible windshield jacket. My toes where covered with Vaseline and I had placed Hothands in my shoes and gloves. My head was covered by a cap and my neck with a gator. My plan was to just unzip the arms of the convertible jacket if I became too hot. That would be quick and easy. Luckily, I had planned just right, no wardrobe changes were needed.
It was a tough call, but I chose not to warm up before starting. The cold was just too much to exit the warmth of the truck before absolutely required. When I say cold I mean Yeti cooler COLD, burrrrrrr. Even Jeni from Ohio said "yeah we have weather like this up there, we just stay inside." 

I started off feeling great! I knew I needed to beat my time from the last race to win. I needed to climb faster and descend with more speed. I now knew Vomit Hill. Found some lines and felt more confident.  I needed to stay atop my Trek Top Fuel until the end!  No crashes, less dabs and pedal strong.

I felt great until I hit "The Wall". I was sure I was riding faster. Only 2 guys had passed me which was great sign! It was not long after starting the hike-a-bike portion when I felt the fatigue in my legs...that hill feels like a vertical cliff carved from rocks and roots. God and I were talking, "Just get me past this climb.", "Please wrap my legs in your wings and lets fly." At one point I was saying "you got this, just one foot in front of the other," only then to look up an see a volunteer sitting on the rocks above me...embarrassed, but he got it.

I really felt I had pedaled over more rocks than last month...smoother line, better lines.  I knew I had flown down the descents. The only "snake bite" was a dropped chain. As I was finishing the final road descent, my soul was warmed by the sight of my family. They had braved the elements to cheer on the last few hundred yards. As a mom, there is no better motivator than knowing hugs from your husband and kids are waiting.  The pride in knowing that my family will always be there, no matter the conditions push me to train harder.  To prove to my children that hard work and determination lead to positive results.

When I looked at my Garmin I was certain I beat January's time. Not enough to beat the amazing Christine Yario Warren, but I felt good, regardless. After some Snake Pit chili provided by the Northwest Georgia SORBA Chapter, I checked the times. What...I was 7 minutes slower! As my strength trainer and great friend, Ginger Jones Sillery, said, I felt too good at the end to have pushed myself hard enough. Oh well, I maintained 2nd place. Congrats to Jeni Roosen with Cannondale Midwest for a strong 3rd place finish and Christine Yario Warren, the fire pit master, for an amazing 1st place time!  I am proud to say my teammate Beth Lofgren took 3rd place, against some steep competition, in her 34 mile class.

At the end of the day, I had a great time, became closer to God, braved the elements, kept great company by a perfect bonfire and proudly wore my Scott's Bikes jersey on the podium. Thank you Northwest Georgia SORBA for another great Snake Creek Gap Time Trials. Maybe next year I will brave the 34 mile course. 

In the mean time, finish stronger than you started!

Mountain Biking Mom

Thursday, February 11, 2016

New Year, New Dirt - First Snake

New Bike, New Dirt...New Challenge

If you are a mountain biker in the Southeast, you most likely have heard of the The Snake Creek Gap Time Trials (The Snake as it is more commonly known). The Snake is known for a few things...1) It is held during the most miserable time of the year...winter. Historically this series has consisted of three races. This year they made some changes and decided to only hold 2 races, one in January and one in February.  The other change is that they went from two distances (17 or 34 miles) to three different race distances to challenge any racer (17, 34 or 50 miles)...  2) You WILL get "bitten" by the snake causing a mechanical, fall or injury....  3)  Brutal rocks and climbing!  Let me state it again, brutal rock gardens!  Preparation and training are a must for success.  Most people get out on the course a few times before the series starts, learn the lines, take some notes, then start to second guessing their decision on the race distance.  You know, the well prepared racer's approach.  Not this Mother of 3!  With a new bike, no course knowledge (other than what Craig tried to pass along in conversation..."watch out the for the root drop on Vomit Hill')...I was winging it.  Family time during the holiday, plus Craig recovering from reconstructive clavicle surgery (whole other story), made  the 17 mile option  the logical choice.  Trust me, the voices in my head were telling me to go big or stay home...50 miles or bust!  Luckily, logic won...17 miler, here I come!

So, I tied on my number plate, clipped in and started the 3+ mile climb right off the start line.  I had no clue what lay ahead. Midway up the initial climb, my Trek Top Fuel 9.8 and I were forging a relationship which only mud, sweat and rocks can form.  With less than 40 miles of saddle time, I was still learning her handling and feel. No better way to really test a mountain bike than on a true technical, elevation prone trail. She impressed me with each passing mile, climbing with ease. The assistance of the suspension lockout and geometry that is only rivaled by a high school math teacher's ability, makes this bike a cross country beast. The rigid feel of the carbon fiber, combined with the light weight components, gave me an extra punch at the top of the climbs...oh, yes there are climbs! Climbs and ROCKS, lots of rocks...rock breeding rocks with baby rocks everywhere...The rollover and agility of the Top Fuel, left these rocks trembling in fear...well that might be a little much, they moved a LITTLE as I rode over them...BUT, trembling in fear sounds way cooler in my head! 
Baby Rocks

As much as I would like to say I rode perfectly, let's be realistic.  Remember that part Craig told me about, "the root drop on Vomit Hill" and the aforementioned suspension lock out switch...yeah, I forgot to unlock it.   I remembered it about the time the bike was riding me down the hill, instead of the other way around  (Note to self...unlock, unlock, unlock). No reason to sugar coat it, crashing is part of the game.

Oh rocks...again!  Not being familiar with the lines meant I dabbed more than Cam Newton in the end zone...a toe touch here, a toe touch there...I could have been trying out the for Chattanooga Ballet.  And, then THE WALL, don't even get me started!  I was so happy to see the fire pit and then the towers. From there it was the most exhilarating down hill road ride,enough speed to make me smile again.

In the end, I had a fantastic ride on a new bike on unfamiliar trails. Posting the second best time in the female 17 Mile class just fueled my desire to try harder. Since the first race I have been able to get on the course one more time to do the things that well prepared racers do.  Saturday, February 13, I get another shot at the course.  The bone chilling cold will be out in full force.  Start time temperature is forecasted to be a chilly 25 degrees Fahrenheit with 10-20 mph winds.  I will be ready to put my new Bontrager gear from the guys at Scott's Bikes to good use.  Layers, layers, gloves, helmet, shoe covers, hand warmers...don't forget the pearls!  I won't be caught without my pearls.
The Snake might try to bite me again, but it will have a harder time catching me, this time!  

Stay focused on your goals.  Mine...Family First!  A positive outlook and family support, along with a "sweet ride," will make the rocks tremble in fear! Let's finish stronger than we started.

Mountain Biking Mom

Monday, February 8, 2016

New Beginning, Old Goals

Here we are at the beginning of a year.  A new beginning!...A time for change.  We all try, every year, to turn over a new leaf, better ourselves, take on new challenges.  This year my leaf includes the honor of being selected to join the Scott's Bikes/Trek Team. This is HUGE for me.  I now represent Trek, one of the biggest bike brands in the world, Bontrager, and one of the best bike shops in the Chattanooga/Cleveland Area.  I started this time of change on my new Top Fuel 9.8, “Lighting ”.  It has no limits.  She proved to be a powerful partner through the January Snake Race.  There was nothing the Pinhoti Trails threw at us that the Trek Top Fuel 9.8 could not handle. 

This new beginning for me represents an exciting time.  It will present new challenges to my standing goals of staying focused on my family, yet making sure that I have time for ME.  I still plan on continuing to expand on the goals of having fun, putting my family first and not over committing myself...... (I am sorry, I just chocked when I wrote that).  Let's be honest with each other, even though we all start a new year with great intent, we are not always successful.  It is a hard balance but an important one.  The responsibility of raising three of the most beautiful, spirited and talented children is no small task.  Add in my amazing husband, my career and training, what is left?... Very little.  It is doable! I want to do it!  I will do it!  It just takes support and understanding from all the other important people in my life. 

Here is why I love Scott's Bicycle Centre and am very proud to be representing them.  They have been instrumental to my growth as a mountain biker.  They understand the need for balance.  There is never a silly question or odd look after I have successfully broken the unbreakable.  Scottie and the gang repair ANYTHING in 24 hours.  There might be a random part that has to be ordered, but these guys are fast!  The quality of their work, their plentiful inventory of all levels of bikes and their commitment to their customers carries through from the first handshake from Doug, the owner, to waggling tail of Gretchen, the shop dog.  I think the world of the shop guys and girls. Swing by, check out the shop, the remodeled front plan is quite impressive or visit them on the web (

I was having a hard time deciding who I was going to race for this year. With discussions of different commitments, races and training, I started to lose some focus. I do not need anything to interfere with my #1 focus, my family. After several weeks of thoughtful prayer and inward reflection, it became very clear that Scott’s Bikes was the group I wanted represent this year. I have committed to mostly local races. I will compete in The Snake Time Trials, Night Shift, Chainbuster’s 3/6 hours of Dry Creek, 3/6 hours of Jack Rabbit and The Black Bear Rampage. I may pick up a few others as time permits (again, trying not to over commit, but you know I will). It will be a great year. I will keep you all informed of my strides and you must promise me to keep me accountable.  

Here’s to finishing stronger then we started. I am going to continue to make my leaf colorful and meaningful. I look forward to this race season. Stay with me as I start this new journey. As always, let’s support each other and have fun.

Mountain Biking Mom